Small Intestine of Hand Tai Yang starts starts at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger and following the dorsum of the hand, it reaches the wrist, where it emerges at the fifth metacarpal and pyramidal bones crosses the process of ulna and follows along it. Then it goes along the ulnar furrow between the ulnar process of ulna and the medial epicondyle of humerus, rises along the lateral side of the shoulder to the posterior region of the shoulder joint, zigzagging along the supra - and infraspinous fossa, meeting Dazhui GV.14, where it intersects with Du Mai vessel, all Yang channels, Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang at Fu fen.41 and Dazhu V. 11. After that, the channel rises into supraclavicular fossa. Here it submerges, connects with the heart and follows the esophagus down through the diaphragm to the stomach. It then intersects with the conception vessel internally at Shangwan CV. 13 and Zhongwan CV. 12 and Ren Mai vessel before homing to the small intestine.
A branch separates from the channel at the supraclavicular fossa and runs up the neck to the cheek. It then travels to the outer canthus of the eye where it meets the Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang at GB.1. And then, it turns back across passing in front of the tragus, converging at the point of Heliao TR.22 with San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang to enter the ear.
Another branch begins from the angle of the lower jaw, runs along the cheek to the wing of the nose, then rises to the medial corner of the eye, where it meets the Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang at BL.1.
The Small Intestine of Hand Tai Yang is associated with the small intestine, heart and stomach.