Kidney Shu.
1.5 cun lateral to the midline, level with the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra.
Nourishes the kidneys, stabilizes urination, regulates menstruation, removes leucorrhoea, strengthens the waist and bones, aggravates hearing.
- 5 holes diseases: tinnitus, deafness, itching in the ears, eyes in the setting of exhaustion,visual snow, dizziness, chronic hoarseness.
- Urogenital system: sperm in the urine, urine retention, night urine output of more daylight, cloudy urine, blood in urine, spermatorrhea, phallodynia, dysmenorrhea, algomenoreya, swelling of the lower limbs, leucorrhoea, impotence, wet dreams in men, erotic dreams, cold in the pelvis, adenoma (Yang deficiency of the kidney), prostatitis (deficiency of Yin and kidney Qi).
- Respiratory system: cough with a feeling of lack of air, suffocation, asthma.
- Features: memory loss, excited state before sleeping, heart palpitations, heat in feet and palms, heat in the second half of the day, noise in the ears, thirst in diabetes (Yin deficiency of the kidneys), pain in lower back and knees, cold extremities.
Puncture obliquely 1 - 1.5 cun to the side of the spine. Cauterization.