Fifth Pivot.
In the depression just anterior to the anterior superior iliac spine, approximately level with Guanyuan REN.4 (3 cun below the umbilicus)..
Normalizes menses, stops leucorrhoea, expels dampness and heat.
The point of intersection of Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang and Du Mai vessel.
- Reproductive system: dysmenorrhea, excessive leucorrhoea, pain in the pelvis, pain in the lower abdomen in women, coleoptosis (narrows and tightens the vagina), endometritis, inguinoscrotal hernia, the testicle does not fall into the scrotum.
- Features: constipation, tenesmus, arthritis of the hip joint.
Puncture perpendicularly 1 - 1.5 cun. Cauterization.