Yang Stream.
On the radial side of the back of the wrist, at the level of the wrist fold, with the removal of the thumb -in the recess between the tendons of the short and long extensor thumb, in the "anatomical snuff box".
Clears heat, dissipates the wind.
- 5 holes diseases: deafness, ringing of the ears, tongue stiffness, protruding tongue, sore throat with swollen mucosa, toothache, gum inflammation, eye redness, pain in the eyes, wall eye.
- Respiratory system: cough, dyspnea, tightness of the chest.
- Digestive system: digestive disorders, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dyspepsia in newborns and children.
- Channel diseases: pain in the hand and forearm.
- Disorders of the mind: irritability, incoherent speech, hysterical state, hallucinations.
- Features: headache, high temperature, body heat, the heat of the internal syndrome of Hand Yang Ming channel.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Cauterization.