Back Shu of the Heart.
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra.
Restores Qi, tonifies Qi and blood, expands chest, restores the patency of collaterals, soothes heart, quiets the spirit.
- Heart disease: feeling of stuffiness (cold syndrome) and compression in the chest in the chest, pain in the heart irradiating under the shoulder blade, heart palpitations, pericarditis.
- Respiratory system: coughing, choking, blood coughing.
- Disorders of the mind: adolescent insanity, insomnia, anxiety, memory loss, excessive chatter, despondency, convulsions in epilepsy, growth retardation and speech in children.
- Features: condition after stroke, hemiparesis, spermatorrhea, erotic dreams (heart is not associated with the kidneys), cloudy urine, jaundice, shoulder pain radiating from the heart.
Puncture obliquely 5 cun to the side of the spine. Cauterization.