Ribbon Opening.
On the lower leg, midway between the tibiofemoral joint line (level with the popliteal crease) and the prominence of the lateral malleolus, one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. 8 cun below Dubi (ST-35), and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia.
Unblocks channels, expels wind and moisture from the outside.
- Digestive system: abdominal pain, diarrhea.
- Channel diseases: paralysis of the lower limbs, pain in the muscles of the lower limbs, cold in the legs, weakness in the legs with a violation of sensitivity.
- Features: sore throat, hernias containing colon, take - take.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.5 cun. Cauterization.